“Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.”
― Erich Fromm
The greatest secret of all,
is the secret of falling in LOVE with the self.
When you love the self, you are in a state
of acceptance,
total acceptance.
As you accept, you cease resisting the world
and all that is in it.
There are two kinds of Love.
Human love and Divine Love.
The difference between the two is that
human or personal love
is often conditional, or limited in nature;
while divine love
or spiritual love is infinite in nature,
and unconditional. Often in personal
or human love there are aspects of
possessiveness, demand or expectation
that is all based on condition, limitation,
or material and selfish desire.
Human love often seeks love outside
of themselves because they feel they
are lacking that love within
themselves; it seeks a love that will
fill a void within
ones empty heart. Divine Love can not
be realized this way.
Conditions are temporary and change.
If love is based on human conditions
then it is subject to change and is
often temporary, as it goes in many romantic
relationships when one partner
realizes that the other can not fulfill there
every want and need. Love does not
need anything outside of itself to sustain
itself. The Love that comes
from Source is within yourself and you have access
to this Source Love
at any moment because it transcends time and space.
When unconditional love is the foundation of
a relationship then it seeks to grow and
remain in balance and harmony.
Unconditional love can be likened
to the root of the tree. In relationships
where Divine or spiritual love
is present the two seek to become
one by growing into the tree together.
This can only happen truly if there is a solid root
of unconditional love from which it
can grow. When conditional love is present
there is often a lesson of love to be learned.
This experience often brings pain and unresolved
issues or karma is brought to the surface to be
balanced and healed through Love.
Our soulmates give us a beautiful opportunity for this.
The more we resist that Love
by seeing through only the perspective of ego
then the relationship
will usually come to an end and another opportunity
may present itself to get
our attention.
If we have truly awakened to Divine
and Unconditional love then we
consciously understand the deeper meaning, and we
realize that that everything and
everyone in our external reality is merely an
energetic reflection of our
inner world and reality. We attract that which
we are, what we think about and what
we feel. We often see in another the very aspects of
our own soul that require
our attention, whether negative or positive.
All is energy and negative and
positive are just two degrees of the same whole.
Divine and unconditional love seek to understand,
to accept, and to forgive.
It seeks unity, which is its source. There is no
need to possess or control
and although challenges are common in all soulmate
connections and relationships,
each challenge gives us that precious opportunity
to grow into ourselves
and guides the way for the soul through
this journey of life.
Divine Love is the force that connects
us all and is the essence
of the Divine within and without. Love is
a powerful force and through love
anything is possible. Through Divine love you
are connected to everything
and everyone on that level and you are
connected to Source.
When Divine loves leads the way you see from
a new perspective--from the perspective
of the soul as opposed the limited mind-set
of the human ego or personality.
Through the unity perception of Divine Love
you see the injustice, pain and suffering
of the world
from a different vantage point. You begin to allow
love to become the force for
change instead of anger, despair or sorrow.
1 comment:
I think it's high time we started thinking on a high level of divinity. This is beautiful
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