Cosmic Blessings!!!

Cosmic Blessings!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The power in SILENCE

S i l e n c e - has an energy which is quite powerful. It's power helps us think and act or slow our mind down and focus inward. Is the way to understand more about our self, people and hence the world around us. Silence is an amazing and probably really “forgotten” tool and a healing one at that… 

SILENCE... our Greatest Source of Personal Power. How many of us can sit down into our silent garden and truly listen to silence and learn from it? and when we do, do we realize, it has a quality and a dimension all on its own? I call it A Source Of Great Strength, and it is! In observance, have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Or the quiet and calm just as a storm ends? Or when surrounded with people at a place... that moment after the door closes and you're alone in the whole house, you fall deeply in that state of silence? How amazing and most eloquently peaceful! Quiet is peace... Tranquility... Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. And Silence is pushing the off button.

 Silence is same as that of a star. It's twinkle as remote and candid, a constellation of stillness and tranquility charged with essences. A substance of great comfort. How much better to sit alone, be still... BE your self, BY your self, and in that moment of silence you see things as they are; in their most purest and bare forms? An ultimate weapon of soul power!

We are most powerful when we are most silent. I believe, If we are not in touch with our own belovedness - that stillness within us - that space that we come to remember our spirit, then we cannot touch the sacredness of others. When we take the opportunity to take the time to unearth the mysteries and lessons that exist within, we begin to realize the power of that muteness beauty, it is healing, spiritual, and so divine. The importance of cultivating and incorporating silence to our daily life can make a big difference. It is the most simplest things we take for granted that can bring peace and joy to us. Take time to hear a bird chirp or listen to the wind. Sit on the beach for hours and listen to the waves breaking on the shore. The quieter we become, the more we can hear. 

Silence is golden; like a self discovery. 

Feed, nourish and grow that silence. 

I say, silence and stillness are my teachers.

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