Cosmic Blessings!!!

Cosmic Blessings!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Feeding the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, nestled in the region of the lower belly, yokes us to the water element and its eternal state of movement and dynamic change. It is the hub of creative potential.
Chakra Foods for Optimum Health
Our sacral chakra assists us in wielding and manifesting our internal raw creativity into an external form involving visual arts, body expression and sound. Artists, painters, musicians and creators are examples of those in touch with their sacral chakra.
Food and eating represent a functional, survival-based activity, and one of the ways to ensure that we eat is to involve the sensory aspects of our physical body. When we eat, we eat with all of our senses: our sight, touch, taste, smell and sound. Our physiology and our sacral chakra are designed to ensure that we gain pleasure from our eating experience.
There are specific compounds (peptides) released in the gut when we eat a meal that communicate with our brain to help our body decipher that we are experiencing pleasure from the experience. Recently, it has come to light that we have taste receptors in our gut similar to those found on our tongue, so we taste food beyond the mouth, even in the territory of the sacral chakra.
Overall, this chakra is strongly and tightly woven into our eating experience at a deep, gut, sensory level. Rather than for pure survival, we look to the food for pleasure with the help of our sacral chakra.

Foods for the Sacral Chakra
Seeds like flax, poppy, psyllium, pumpkin, hemp, sesame and sunflower are therapeutic for the sacral chakra due to their rich source of healthy fats. Flaxseed deserves special mention because it is a healing food for the sacral chakra from a couple of perspectives. First of all, it contains oil rich in unsaturated essential fats. Although not as flexible and fluid as the fats found in fish, flaxseed oil can be used in the body to create flow.
The other aspect of flaxseed is that it is rich in plant compounds called lignans, which act like weak estrogens and are able to compete with estrogen in the body to sit on receptor sites on cells. If the body has too much or too little estrogen, having plant estrogens like flax in the diet could be beneficial. Because of their ability to influence estrogen activity in the body, they are thought to reduce the risk of breast, prostate and colon cancers. Thus, the energetic and physiological properties of flaxseed fit the needs of the sacral chakra, which oversees the reproductive organs in women and the colon. The benefits can extend into the territory of the neighboring root chakra by protecting against prostate cancer.

Tropical Fruits
When allowed to blossom, the sacral chakra fills and soothes us with delight, joy, relaxation, pleasure and freedom of choice. It resonates to fruits grown in tropical areas, as they embody these same qualities. Mangoes, pineapple, papaya, banana (also connects to the solar plexus), oranges, kiwi, figs and coconut are superb examples of nourishing sacral chakra tropical fruits.
Eating these fruits enables us to open our inner self to feeling free and relaxed. Coconut and its oil are particularly appropriate for this energetic vibration. Coconut can heal and strengthen the bridge between the two lower chakras. It’s a sturdy fruit with a strong protective layer, paralleling the root chakra’s boundaries. It is filled with nourishing milk and soft flesh, both which assist the sacral chakra in feeling comfort to open up. Raw coconut butter is a tasty, root-sacral chakra treat.

Blood oranges
Passion fruit

Orange bell peppers
Sweet potatoes

Similar to coconut, all nuts have qualities that strengthen the lower two chakras. The oils in the nuts combined with protein make for a perfect food for combining grounding (root chakra) and flowing (sacral chakra) qualities. Cashews are an excellent choice for the sacral chakra. Note their moonlike structure, resonating with the yin, or feminine quality, of the sacral chakra. Walnuts resemble the complicated brain structure and are, indeed, one of the richest nut sources of omega-3 fats, which are needed for the brain. Almonds, pecans, filberts, hazelnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, pine nuts and macadamia nuts are other fine nut choices to support the sacral and root chakras.

Orange-Colored Foods
The healthy sacral chakra vibrates at a frequency similar to the color orange. Viewing or eating orange-colored foods can help to restore the sacral chakra to its correct vibration.
On a nutritional level, most of these orange foods collectively provide beta-carotene (an orange pigment) and other plant carotenoids. They are absorbed into our bodies with the assistance of fat as a carrier and stored in the cell membranes, where they take on the job of protecting the cell.

Sacral Food and Eating Activities
Here are simple activities to create a healthy relationship between foods, eating and the sacral chakra.
  • Combine food and creativity in any way you choose, ranging from meal preparation to a unique way to shop at the grocery store (for example, shopping only for orange foods) to a novel way to grow food (such as using hydroponics, or the water element, which is conducive to the sacral chakra). Write about your creation and share it with another.
  • Invite someone over for dinner and create a meal together.
  • Pick an emotion that plagues your daily life and journal on how you better express this emotion throughout your life in a healthy way. How do you “eat” this emotion rather than expressing it? What foods do you gravitate toward when you feel this emotion? What do these foods signify?
~by Dr Deanna Minich, author of Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

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