Cosmic Blessings!!!

Cosmic Blessings!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

`~MEDITATION calms the mind~`

Some people think that the purpose of meditation is to stop the mind. They sit, and they try. Soon they get into a fight with their mind, a fight that they lose. Frustrated, they give up. Do you recognize yourself in this scenario?
Calming the mind is a more appropriate goal, and a good way to do it is by paying attention to the breath. When we are daydreaming, the breath follows the rhythm of our thoughts. That rhythm can be irregular, because we are going from thought to thought, from one thing to another. As we continue to follow the breath instead of our thoughts, the breath gets into a steady, regular rhythm.
Usually we follow our thoughts without any attention to the breath. Here, we reverse that— we follow our breath. At the beginning, we treat our thoughts a little bit like the way we treat the radio in the background. As we do other things, we are aware that the radio is playing, but we do not follow it actively. For example, when the announcer says, “Go and buy that car right now, because it is so amazing,” we do not drop everything and rush out to buy it. We have learned to take an attitude of sophisticated detachment with regard to the radio. Now we cultivate the same detached attitude toward our thoughts.
Our work in meditation right now is concentrating on the breath. This means staying with the breath and the sensations of the breath continuously. I don’t know if you have ever followed a single breath from end to end and paid attention to all the sensations that occur. One single breath can make you aware of your posture, of how tight your belt is, and of any tension in your abdominal muscles.
The breath is like a swing on the playground. As you breathe in, first it accelerates. Then it slows down near the end. Then it comes to an unstable stop and starts going again in the other direction. The speed is always changing. To notice all this, you need not only awareness, but also concentration. You need to concentrate so that you are not only aware during brief moments of this cycle, but you are continuously aware of it during the whole cycle, cycle after cycle.
I Can Feel My Breath in a Number of Ways:
  • I can feel it in my diaphragm.
  • I can feel my clothes adjusting as my diaphragm changes shape.
  • I can feel the rush of air in my nostrils.
  • I can also feel a coolness around my nostrils as I breathe in.
If you have trouble noticing that last item, put your finger horizontally against your nostrils for a few seconds. You will feel the change of temperature as you breathe in and out.
By concentrating on the breath, we are offering the mind something other than thoughts to chew on. This works better than fighting with it to get it to slow down.
Within a few minutes, something different starts to happen: the breath finds its natural rhythm. In normal wakefulness, thoughts are zipping through the mind, and the breath is irregular and staccato. Now the breath follows a more regular rhythm, like that of the waves on the beach. Like the waves, the breath comes from somewhere we don’t know. Then it goes inside, and gets lost, like the waves that get absorbed into the sand. Some of the water gets returned back to the ocean, but it is not exactly the same. Now it has cleaned the beach and is carrying back some debris and also the warmth of the sand with it. The breath has also just cleaned the body, and the out breath is warm and full of carbon dioxide. You can let yourself be guided by this mental imagery. Involve all your senses and now bask in the sunshine on that beach for a few minutes and enjoy the whishsh of the waves.
Another metaphor: What is happening in the mind at this point is also a little bit like the difference between city driving and long- distance driving. In city driving, there is much stopping and starting and emotions like impatience or irritation. When you settle into long-distance driving, all those calm down. The rhythm changes.
During this breathing exercise, you may find that, after a while, concentration comes naturally. At the beginning, concentration required effort. Now this natural rhythm of the breath takes over. Thoughts lose their urgency at this stage.

Meditation exercise to calm the mind

Read this and other meditation texts slowly, with a short pause between instructions.
The past has already gone and the future is yet to come.
I am concentrating on being peaceful, happy, and free in this present moment.

Now I’m concentrating on being aware of each breath.
My attention on the breath is continuous.
I follow the breath as it begins, and my abdomen starts to expand.
I continue to pay attention as my abdomen rises and falls with each breath,
like a child going high and low on a swing.

Like a swing, my breath slows down at each end.
I follow it all the way as it slows down, and starts again.

I embrace my breath with all my care and attention,
like a mother holds her baby.
I do not drop the baby.
Thoughts stay in the background.

I enjoy the rhythmic rise and fall of my abdomen;
I enjoy staying in the here and the now.
I have stopped running forward and backward.

My mind keeps producing thoughts; that is its nature.
I do not follow the thoughts.
I concentrate on my breath.

I’m comfortable and at ease.
With each breath, I let go of tension somewhere in my body and mind.

I’m aware that thoughts can bring tension to my face.
With each breath, I relax my face muscles and smile.

There are sensations in my body, I accept them. I am aware of my posture.
I am aware of the rush of air around my nostrils as I breathe in.

If there are sounds, I do not react to them.
I just notice them and let them go.
I continue to enjoy my breathing peacefully.
A river of feelings and thoughts is flowing, but I am not drowning in it.
The concentration on the breath is like the anchor that
prevents the boat from drift ing.

Focusing on my breath keeps me from getting lost in thought.
I notice sounds and skin sensations without reacting to them.

I smile at disturbances such as memories, little itches, and noises.
Smiling relaxes me. I feel content.

With each breath I arrive in the here and the now—
I’m sitting upright, breathing comfortably.

My mind is peaceful, my body free of tension.
I am calm and rested.
I feel free. I feel at home.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Art & Creativity

Art and creativity is a potent medicine that speaks to our soul. It brings BEAUTY into our lives. It nourishes us on a deeper level. A meditative process. A potion for healing. Be inspired! HEAL your self! Create something. Make a piece of Art with what you're good at and comfortable with. Know that Art comes in so many forms. Your life IS your Art. Create it well. When we do creative things, and things we LOVE to do, we expand our mind, and express and feed our soul. It is in the gift of creative expression, that we find solace and that magical and powerful enhancement to healing our beautiful selves.      ―©Angie Karan2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Inner Candle Glow

See the light of a candle glow

Let your inner warm shine flow

Feel and see the light it makes

With fire it burns and heat it creates

Dwindling in time as it goes out

A savoured evocation throughout

Will it still glitter and burn within;

Illuminate high, not flicker or dim;

As it did, the flame still beckons...

©2015 Inner Candle Glow

Inner Beauty Captivates

Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.
― Kate Angell

For more uplifting quotes and art please visit
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~`Healing with HERBS`~

`~ Isn’t it amazing the amount of natural healing nature provides us through herbs and other plants...The powers of nature! She knows what we need ~`

The healing and regenerative properties of herbs are well documented and for many people and already have a place on the spice rack, such as oregano, basil, sage, and garlic may be a current staple in your kitchen. But peppermint, rosemary, thyme and fennel are equally rich in healing and regenerative properties for your medicinal garden. Preparation for a potential long-term emergency isn’t complete until your spice and herb medicine cabinet is full.


Echinacea, also known as coneflower, is a medicinal plant that has been used for centuries to help keep the immune system active and healthy. Echinacea contains a compound known as echinacein which protects healthy cells from viruses and bacteria that are trying to invade them. Echinacea is particularly beneficial in helping the body heal quickly from colds, flu, sore throat, sinus infections, sinusitis, hay fever, bronchitis, canker sores, enlarged lymph glands, ear infections, gingivitis, enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections, and yeast infections. Echinacea is also a blood purifier and has anti-inflammatory properties. As a topical disinfectant and analgesic, Echinacea can be used as an ointment or salve to help heal reduce the pain and swelling associated with psoriasis, eczema, skin irritations, boils, scrapes, wounds, bug bites, bee stings, sunburn, and hemorrhoids. As an herbal supplement, echinacea can be taken as a capsule, tablet, extract, tincture, or tea. Due to its powerful immune boosting abilities, its best to only take echinacea for a short period of time, usually from a few days to a few weeks, depending on your illness. This short duration will activate your immune system, but also protect it from becoming over-stimulated. If you are fortunate enough to have an echinacea plant growing near where you live, the plant and roots can be dried and used as a medicinal tea. Echinacea can be found online by clicking here or at your local health food store.


Sage is a legendary herb well known for its phenomenal health promoting and disease preventing properties. It is one of the top antioxidants herbs and can provide powerful protection from degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, prostatitis, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Sage contains rosmarinic acid which is a potent anti-inflammatory compound that can help reduce swelling and inflammation and considered highly beneficial for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, asthma, and atherosclerosis. Sage has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties and is an excellent natural remedy for fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. It also has the ability to provide relief from acidity and aid in digestion of fatty and hard to digest foods. Sage is known as the “thinker’s herb” as has an outstanding ability to enhance attention span, support concentration, and improve the senses as well as provide support when dealing with grief and depression. It can also help regulate the menstrual cycle and help to prevent excessive sweating in woman after menopause. Sage has the ability to neutralize free radicals and offer significant anti-aging and longevity benefits. It also contains antiseptic properties and is widely found in natural creams, lotions, and salves to speed the healing of cuts and wounds and clear up most skin diseases and infections. On a spiritual level, sage has long been used to aid in cleansing one’s spirit and surroundings. Sage has a peppery flavor and can be added to soups, potatoes, squash, tomato sauce, salads, guacamole, and even works well with some fruits like strawberries and banana smoothies. It can also be taken as a tea, capsule, or tincture for additional benefits. Sage is a wise, healing, and powerful herb that is a true gift and should not be missed.


Red Root (Ceanothus Americanus) is a herb that has effective antibiotic, antispasmodic, antiviral, and expectorant properties. Red root is great for helping to prevent or shorten the duration of colds, flu, and respiratory infections. It has the ability to help remove phlegm and mucus from the respiratory tract and sinus passages. Red root also works well for digestive ailments such as constipation, gas, bloating, indigestion, and abdominal pain. It also is highly beneficial for urinary tract infections, liver problems, mononucleosis, chicken pox, sinusitis, bronchitis, fever, nosebleeds, headaches, and asthma. Red root’s anti-spasmodic properties are incredible at helping to relieve muscle spasms, leg cramps, and painful menstruation cramps. It also is very effective at eliminating ovarian and breast cysts in from the body. Red root has mild sedative properties which can help alleviate depression and tendencies for insomnia. Red root is commonly used to treat epstein-barr virus, shingles, Hodgkin’s disease and hepatitis. It has also been used in the treatment of STDs such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Red root is particularly beneficial for oral health and has been shown to help prevent canker sores, tooth decay, dental plaque, and gum and tooth infections. As a gargle, it can help to prevent or stop strep throat, sore throat, or tonsillitis. Topically, red root can be applied as a salve, poultice, or cream to help naturally treat skin cancers, lesions, hemorrhoids, sores, and acne. Red root makes a delicious tea and was actually used as a substitute for black tea during the Revolutionary War due to its similar flavor profile. To make a tea, use 2 tsp of dried herb to 1 cup of boiling water and allow to steep for at least 15 minutes, sweeten with raw honey if desired.


 Rosemary has had the reputation for miracles for thousands of years. It has been used as an antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, aphrodisiac, and expectorant. Rosemary has earned praise for alleviating nerve-related conditions, boosting the immune system, fighting off bacterial and viral infections, aiding respiratory ailments, strengthening digestion and improving circulation. Rosemary contains both caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory making it ideal for those who suffer with auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. It also contains properties and volatile oils that work similarly to anti-histamines and make it very useful to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic migraines. Rosemary’s diuretic properties have been known to help relieve gout, edema, and kidney stones. Rosemary has the ability to stimulate memory, improve concentration, and help overcome mental fatigue by increasing the blood flow to the head and brain. It is also known to alleviate depression and sadness and can decrease anxiety brought on by stress. Rosemary oil is often added to hair and skin care products due to its ability to cleanse and nourish the scalp and heal and repair the skin. Essential oil of rosemary can also be used through a steam vaporizer to disinfect the air in your home &/or office which is especially beneficial during cold and flu season. A high quality premium essential oil of rosemary can be found by clicking here Fresh or dried rosemary can also be taken as a tea, supplement, or simply added to fresh guacamole, salads, soups, or any of your home cooked meals. It is a potent and effective herb that can provide a myriad of health benefits.


 Aloe vera leaf is a miraculous healing food that is one of the oldest healing remedies and natural antibiotics in the world. Taken internally, aloe works wonders for assimilation, circulation, and elimination. It is known to purify the blood, reduce inflammation, ease arthritis pain, prevent kidney stones, lower high cholesterol, prevent Candida, boost physical endurance, benefit cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress. It also soothes ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis, diverticulitis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive disorders. Aloe provides recovery from fatigue and aids in muscle function as well as optimal utilization of several vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It’s alkaline nature, helps to soothe acidosis and alkalinize the whole body. Aloe’s clear gel can be applied externally to soothe and relieve pain from sun burn, rashes, bug bites, scratches, and wounds as well as deeply hydrate the skin to prevent wrinkles and aging. It can also be massaged into the hair and scalp to stimulate hair growth and can be used as a toothpaste or mouthwash to keep the mouth healthy, clean, and free from plaque producing bacteria. For best results, purchase whole Aloe leaves in the produce section of the grocery store. Cut a 2 inch piece off the leaf and scoop out the clear gel inside. This gel can be blended in water, juice, or smoothies to be taken internally or used externally and applied directly to the skin for quick relief and healing. When fresh aloe leaf is not available, then raw aloe juice is another excellent option, which can be purchased online by clicking here or at your local health food store.


 Sarsaparilla is a medicinal herb that is known to be an excellent detoxifier and blood purifier. Sarsaparilla is rich in vitamins A, C, D, and B-complex as well as minerals such as chromium, cobalt, zinc, and silicon. It also contains anti-microbial compounds such as falcarinol and panaxydol which makes it great for helping to protect the body from bacteria, viral, and fungal infections. Sarsaparilla is often used as a diuretic and as has a strong affinity for helping the kidneys flush toxic material out of the body. It is also known to be a good sweat inducer and fever reducer which can come in handy during cold and flu season. Sarsaparilla contains potent anti-cancer compounds and has been shown to be particularly helpful for liver, breast, and lung cancer. It is also known to be beneficial for diabetes, cold sores, shingles, genital herpes, dermatitis, and seizures. Sarsaparilla also contains anti-inflammatory properties and is effective for autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and irritable bowel syndrome. It has also shown to be very good at reducing psoriasis symptoms due to the fact that the saponins in sarsaparilla help to clear endotoxins from the bloodstream that cause the painful and itchy skin patches. Sarsaparilla was traditionally used as an original ingredient in old-fashioned root beer for its flavor and medicinal benefits, but it also makes a wonderful tea and can be made by adding 2 teaspoons of dried root to 2 cups of water and simmered for at least 30 minutes. Allow to cool, strain and sweeten with raw honey if desired. Sarsaparilla can be found in tea, tincture, capsule, extract, or cream form online or at your local health food store.


Basil is an herbal antibiotic, antiseptic, carminative, and appetizer that has an special affinity for the stomach. Basil significantly benefits the stomach during digestion and can provide immediate relief from gas, stomach cramps, and nausea. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can provide relief for inflamed bowel conditions such as colitis, IBS, crohn’s and celiac disease. It is also highly antibacterial and antiviral making it effective against bacterial infections, intestinal parasites, colds, flu, mono, shingles, and herpes. Basil is a rich source of magnesium which relaxes muscles and blood vessels and supports cardiovascular health by lowering the risk of irregular heart rhythms and spasms. The essential oil of basil contains eugenol which works similarly to aspirin and ibuprofen in decreasing the swelling in joints and tissues to provide relief from arthritis and fibromyalgia. Basil’s fungicidal properties also aid in healing wounds, skin rashes, warts, and insect bites. You can purchase creams and salves or crush fresh leaves in a small amount of coconut oil, apply to the skin, and wrap with a fresh bandage daily. Consider making fresh basil a staple in your diet and regularly add to salads, homemade pesto, guacamole, green smoothies, and even fruits like strawberries and bananas, the health properties are not to be missed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

~CLUTTER Clearing Tips for Good Feng Shui~

There is something about clutter that makes people feel unsettled and, if we want to have happiness in our life, it's not going to help us if we look around us and see a big mess.
Clutter Clearing Tips for Good Feng Shui

1. Clear clutter from spaces that greet you when you first enter your home.
The condition of the space that greets you when you first enter your home has an immediate effect on your energy. If it’s neat, organized, clean and lovely, you will feel comforted and your energy is likely to go up. If, however, you are greeted by a chaotic environment with lots of clutter, dust and grime, your energy will plummet because you are being assaulted by the negative energy of the space. Create a clutter free greeting and everything that happens after you enter your home is likely to be more peaceful and positive.

2. Clear clutter from spaces where you spend the most time.
After you create a positive greeting you can move on to clear clutter from the kitchen, family room and bathroom areas, places where you spend significant amounts of time. The energy of places where you spend the most time have the most impact on your energy. Clutter clearing shifts the energies of those spaces from negative to positive. Positive energy results in positive interactions with others, positive experiences, and optimal productivity.

3. Clear clutter from your bedroom.
You spend more time sleeping than doing any other activity in your home. The quality of your sleep is directly affected by the condition of your bedroom. A cluttered bedroom is full of negative energy. Negative energy is noisy energy, alerting you to the fact that all is not well, that there are things that need to be done. It’s hard to sleep well when distracted by the shouting chorus of bedroom clutter. And, persistent clutter in the bedroom can have a profound impact on health because you are being exposed to that negative energy for prolonged periods of time.  

4. Clear out anything you hate.
Why would you keep something you hate? Hated items are negative energy pure and simple. Their energy will make it easy for you to keep a negative focus. A negative focus will attract more negative circumstances into your life. If the hated item belongs to a family member, make sure it is located in an out of the way area where your aren’t greeted by it on a regular basis.

5. Clear out anything that is broken that can’t be quickly fixed or that is not worth fixing.
Broken things attract being broke or having a broken body (health issues). They are strong sources of negative energy requiring some type of work on your part. If you accumulate numerous broken items you are likely to start to feel broken. Decide quickly whether a broken item is worth the effort and/or cost necessary to fix it. If fixing it is not worth doing, pitch it quickly. If it is worth fixing, take immediate steps to fix it.

6. Clear out irritants that can’t be made less irritating.
Wires are a common source of irritation. If they can be bundled or hidden, they are usually less irritating or not irritating at all. A trash can that is too small for the needs of a space is an irritant when it is constantly full and overflowing. Removing it is the only option for reducing that irritant.

7. Clear out items that immediately remind you of a painful relationship, event or time in your life.
   Items with painful negative associations hold the energy of the particular pain in place. It’s hard to move on to a more positive future when you are regularly exposed to the energies of old painful memories.

8. Clear out items that remind you of past failures.
If every time you look at an item you are reminded of a failure, you are being exposed to negative energy that says, “You are a failure!” It’s impossible to feel good about yourself and your successes when surrounded by failure energy. And, failure energy attracts more failure.

9. Clear out items that are used less than once a year.
Using an item is one way to keep its energy alive and positive. Items that are used less than once a year tend to have energies that have gone dead. Dead is negative. You wouldn’t keep dead animals or bugs in your space, why keep dead things. Either activate the item by using it more frequently or pitch it.
 Clutter clearing ALWAYS improves the feel of a space. When you change Your Energy, you change Your Life.Often, we are unable to relocate or reposition our home or office, so then the choice is to make the best of what you have.This is where the items and certain symbols may be effective in achieving positive results with positive intentions. Bringing together the people and the environment in which we strive to find harmony and balance – positive living.

 The less we have, the more attention we can give those things we own and truly need on a regular basis. Appreciation is the seed for abundance; abundance of the mind and the soul. It’s pretty amazing how little we actually need. When we clear our homes and our lives down to the essentials, we are able to better enjoy that which we do have. 

 You can do this DE-cluttering, all the time, even in very tiny small ways, and you DO see a big difference afterward! You can get rid of a few clothes and send to the local charity Smith Family bins... you will feel so much lighter and happier, with your mind knowing, these few items of clothing could help some1 in need! Your cupboard will have more space, and your mind lighter!

Truths of Life

The greatest Joy……………………………………….Giving
The greatest loss……………………Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work………………..Helping others
The ugliest personality trait………………..Selfishness
The most endangered species……..Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource………………..Our youth
The greatest “shot in the arm”………..Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome……………………Fear
The most effective sleeping pill………….Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease………………..Excuses
The most powerful force in life…………………………Love
The most dangerous pariah………………………..A gossiper
The world’s most incredible computer……….The brain
The worst thing to be without………………………….. Hope
The deadliest weapon…………………………………The tongue
The two most power-filled words…………………..”I Can”
The greatest asset………………………………………………Faith
The most worthless emotion…………………………..Self-pity
The most beautiful attire……………………………….SMILE!
The most prized possession………………………… Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication…..Prayer
The most contagious spirit…………………………Enthusiasm

LIGHT of the SUN

AnGiE KaRaN KrEzOs ♫♪♥

The sun is a divine BEING, whose LOVE and LIGHT shines on everyone. Light is truly intelligence and thought.
There is a sparkle of light deep inside of you. By visualizing this ball of sunshine expanding inside of you, and embracing it with all your being, you have mastered one of the key ingredients to happiness in this universe!


WE CREATE THE UNIVERSE based on our attention and consciousness. As such, it's not too much of a stretch to realize that whatever we INTEND over time, tends to become reality. So... if you want to get results with visualization... remember to ASK BELIEVE & YOU WILL RECEIVE what you want!