Cosmic Blessings!!!

Cosmic Blessings!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Heart-warming 'snapshots' of the NOW

Pause... and remember what is good in your life. Live in the NOW moment, and fully take in the little snapshots in life that make everything so worthwhile. This can be anything.  An awesome Autumn breeze coming through your window, brushing against your face. A beautiful sunset. A colourful blossom on a tree you met on your morning walk. The calm of a mountain lake. An image of a playful child, or a pet. 
They are impressions you can draw on when the dark clouds of despair begin to creep in around you. There is wonder all around you that will take your breath away if you just sit still and long enough to let it happen. Breathe in deeply and let the images burn into your mind making them available whenever you need them.
 It is good to savour the simple wonders that the world has to offer. Heart-warming 'snapshots' that are emblazoned in your soul, help keep you positive in the now and letting you embrace a more positive future ...those little 'snapshots of the heart' are what make life a priceless treasure...
 When you stay completely in the moment, the simple moment of right now, the breeze through your window, the sunrise you stand in your back yard and watch each dawn, the sound of laughter from the child next door and so forth, you find that time slows way down until there is time within time. The world can go swirling past you if it needs, but  you can remain so still you are moved to tears by the beauty  you live in.

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