Cosmic Blessings!!!

Cosmic Blessings!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

*.`~ Embracing Change ~`.*

“Embrace change, hold on to your values and let go of what’s bitter. Letting go can be a painful yet necessary part of life, but letting go can also result in feeling free.”

22 July 2009 at 19:03
  by Angie Karan
Opening yourself to change...

Sometimes we fear change because we are unsure of what may

come next. We become so fearful that we begin to hold on

tightly to what is about to change. For example: a job that we

really didn't care much for, but it still "was income" or a

partner/lover who we realized probably isn't the best for us but

we are comfortable and wonder

if we can go at it alone.

We have programmed and conditioned our Selves to fear that

which we do not know or understand. Those who break out

and embrace change are sometimes looked upon and judged as

reckless, risk takers, etc. As we begin to move forward into

the light we begin to take notice that the way we now look

upon things is changing.

We no longer live in fear of something we do not

understand. We begin to develop a sense of trust in our

intuition, a sense of knowing if you will, that whatever it is we

are currently experiencing is nothing more than an illusion. An

illusion, which was created within our thoughts, our own


Try for just one day, not to act on impulse, but to follow your

intuition. As you awaken each morning ask for guidance

throughout your day. Ask that your path becomes illuminated

and ask that all change which is necessary for your spiritual

growth be as painless as possible and the choice to welcome

Change with open arms!

You'll be glad you change is truly a constant you can

count on through each and every day of your life.

That which does NOT change become Stagnant. What happens

to a stagnant pond?

Shine your light upon the world you see before you

and watch your world

as it begins to illuminate!

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